Here are some of the strangest...
'Why don't you use vinegar instead of soap'
Vinegar would smell so horrible and ruin all the carpets, floors, curtains and any thing else it goes near! Also I can't say it will do much in the way of cleaning the windows, We aren't Victorians, why don't we just stick to Fairy.
'Have you ever tried rubbing the windows with newspaper?'
In a word, no. The ink from the newspaper will come off onto the frames and paintwork around the window, not to mention smother your hands in ink and then you'll be leaving inky prints all over the job! Plus you'd have to be buying all the papers in the shop to clean the amount of Windows we do on a daily basis, not very cost effective!
'You should use lemon juice!'
Lemon juice has its uses..delicious on pancakes, slice of lemon during a tequila slammer or a slice in your water the morning after! Lemon to clean windows though? I'm not too sure, everything will be left sticky and the bugs will definitely love it too!
We love the suggestions, but the fact is nothing can beat old fashioned fairy liquid for cleaning windows! A bit of fairy around the frames and sills will leave them looking brand new too! You can have that one on us 😉
Thanks for reading! If you have any tips you'd like to share then let us know in the comments below!
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