Wednesday, 27 January 2016

4 Problems With Window Cleaning In London

Window Cleaning In London

We love working in London, seeing all the weird and wonderful going's on in our beautiful capital everyday but people don't understand the problems we face just trying to get our jobs done.

First up is the dreaded congestion charge...£10.50 just to get into work. Outrageous.

Next is parking, it can be a real problem trying to get parked down a busy one way street with road works and three building sites on it, without mentioning the extortionate prices to pay.

Parking brings us nicely to parking attendants. Traffic wardens sneaking around trying to slap a sixty pound fine on you for going ten minutes over.

Traffic itself is on the list. Journeys that would take 10 minutes last an hour and a half, black cabs, buses and white vans (just like ours) clog the narrow roads causing absolute mayhem. The smug cyclists weaving in and out.

After all of this, We still love cleaning windows in great London Town! Nothing can beat the silence of a usually bustling oxford street at half past four in the morning or the shimmer of freshly cleaned windows as the sun rises against them!

Thanks for reading!
Michael Barlow
Fancy Window Cleaners

Friday, 22 January 2016

Welcome to Fancy Window Cleaners


We will be posting regular updates from our blog as well as many hints, tips and discounts for all your cleaning needs!

